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  • Al - harby is the third man to take advantage of the monthlong amnesty that king fahd offered militants on june 23
  • He is his royal highness prince alwaleed bin talal bin abdulaziz alsaud , nephew of king fahd of saudi arabia , grandson of the country s founder , grandson also of the founder of modern day lebanon
  • He is his royal highness prince alwaleed bin talal bin abdulaziz alsaud , nephew of king fahd of saudi arabia , grandson of the country ' s founder , grandson also of the founder of modern day lebanon
  • He is his royal highness prince alwaleed bin talal bin abdulaziz alsaud , nephew of king fahd of saudi arabia , grandson of the country ' s founder , grandson also of the founder of modern day lebanon
  • It's difficult to see fahd in a sentence. 用fahd造句挺难的
如何用fahd造句,用fahd造句fahd in a sentence, 用fahd造句和fahd的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。