faithful is造句
- The hold the Catholic Church has on its faithful is strong.
- What passion he arouses among GOP faithful is likely to be negative.
- How Wally sits with the Fenway faithful is yet to be determined.
- Old Faithful is a traditional Hull F . C . terrace song.
- Whether that sentiment is shared by legions of TCU faithful is highly doubtful.
- The perennial favorite of the faithful is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Faithful is He that promised; He never lieth.
- We want people to know that Voice of the Faithful is here to stay.
- But the life of the priests and the faithful is what makes the Church.
- Pulling the party together and firing up the faithful is what conventions are all about.
- It's difficult to see faithful is in a sentence. 用faithful is造句挺难的
- Voice of the Faithful is about building up the church, not tearing it down,
- There was a recognition that Voice of the Faithful is not going to go away.
- "The church's authority among the faithful is fading away ."
- The id for Old Faithful is OLDFAITHFUL.
- What he can take to the party faithful is his undeniable popularity with the Japanese public.
- Faithful is put on trial, and executed by burning at the stake as a martyr.
- The treatment of Cordero by the Fenway Faithful is a matter of concern for the Red Sox.
- One question that almost tripped him up was naming the national park where Old Faithful is located.
- The faith of the faithful is often so shaky that many are afraid to think about their belief.
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