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  • We can patch up the main and mizzen . foresail ' s gone , so we ' ii bend our spare
  • Her two masts leaned a trifle backward ; she carried brigantine , foresail , storm - jib and standing - jib , and was well rigged for running before the wind ; and she seemed capable of brisk speed , which , indeed , she had already proved by gaining several prizes in pilot - boat races
  • Rigging and fitting my mast and sails ; for i finish d them very compleat , making a small stay , and a sail , or foresail to it , to assist , if we should turn to windward ; and which was more than all , i fix d a rudder to the stern of her , to steer with ; and though i was but a bungling shipwright , yet as i knew the usefulness , and even necessity of such a thing , i apply d my self with so much pains to do it , that at last i brought it to pass ; though considering the many dull contrivances i had for it that sail d , i think it cost me almost as much labour as making the boat
  • It's difficult to see foresail in a sentence. 用foresail造句挺难的
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