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  • "Furmins " is developed by Finnish video game developer Housemarque.
  • A successful solution to a puzzle sees all of the Furmins reach the basket, at which point the level is passed.
  • Housemarque is a well established software house in the console space, and Furmins is our first attempt with iOS, so definitely worth mentioning.
  • Solving each puzzle is a two-step process : 1 )  Setup Mode : the player strategically places items in order to create pathways and physical reactions between the Furmins and the items.
  • In addition to watching the results of his / her setup, the player can interact in real-time with the moving items and the Furmins via well-timed usage of bumpers and conveyor belts.
  • It is the developer's first iOS game . " Furmins " is available in two versions : an iPhone / iPod-only version and a Universal version, suitable both for iPhone / iPod and iPad.
  • The goal is to arrange the items in such a way that all of the Furmins arrive safely in the basket . 2 )  Action Mode : when the player is satisfied with the setup, he / she engages  Action mode, in which the physics are turned on and the Furmins and the level items interact.
  • The goal is to arrange the items in such a way that all of the Furmins arrive safely in the basket . 2 )  Action Mode : when the player is satisfied with the setup, he / she engages  Action mode, in which the physics are turned on and the Furmins and the level items interact.
  • It's difficult to see furmins in a sentence. 用furmins造句挺难的
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