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gene loci造句

"gene loci"是什么意思  
  • Hprt gene locus mutation of hpv - 18 immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells induced by cigarette smoke condense and its major harmful component
  • Pseudoallele a mutation in a gene that produces an effect similar to another mutation at a different site in the same gene locus
  • 6 isozymes were analyzed in the two parental populations , including their locus number 、 structure 、 alleles etc , altogether 18 gene loci and 28 alleles were recorded
  • Yin yb , zhang y , yu p , luo jc , jiang y , li sg . comparative study of apoptosis - related gene loci in human , mouse and rat genomes . acta biochim biophys sin ( shanghai ) . 2005 may ; 37 ( 5 ) : 341 - 8
    张昆林,张静,罗静初,酵母基因上游与内含子可能存在的协同转录作用, 《生物化学和生物物理学进展》 2005 , 32 , 46 - 52
  • The genetic variation of eight isozyme expressed by twelve gene loci among 3 natural populations of picea crassifolia was studied by the aids of page electrophoresis
  • Although the above example shows a simple relationship between two alleles located at one gene locus , coat color in dogs is ultimately quite complicated and not fully understood
  • From the result , it is feasible to use the cre / lox system to screen friendly gene locus . furthermore , more and more researchers tend to use animal mammary gland bioreactor to highly express foreign genes in the latex
  • Linkage analysis plays an important role in gene mapping . the foundation : the two gene locuses which locate on the same chromosomal ( eg . disease gene and marker gene ) happen to cross over and recombine . the farther the distance between two locuses is , the higher the probability happening to cross over is , the lower the probability that the two locuses are inherited to offspring together is , that is , the degree of linkage is not strong . so we can estimate the distance and the degree of linkage by the recombination fraction between the two locuses to locate gene
  • In the experiments discussed in chapter 5 we generated two recombinant viruses based on an acmnpv - and hasnpv - bac - to - bac system , respectively . in such recombinant viruses the busuctl gene under polyhedrin promoter was inserted into polyhedrin gene locus . a preliminary bioassay was conducted
    第五章利用杆状病毒bac - to - bac系统构建了含有油桐尺蠖核多角体病毒的类蜗牛毒素基因的重组病毒racbacctl和rhabacctl ,在其相应宿主甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫的细胞水平和虫体水平进行了超表达实验。
  • Because traditional epistasis measure methods can only reflect the extent of interaction between all genes in the chromosome , we used correlation length analysis and epistasis measures on the fitness landscapes of schemata to test the extent of interdependence between some certain gene loci in study
  • It's difficult to see gene loci in a sentence. 用gene loci造句挺难的
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