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  • A new method for intrinsic terminator prediction based on rnall , an rna local secondary structure prediction algorithm developed recently , and two u - tail score schemas are developed . by optimizing three parameters thermodynamic energy of rna hairpin structure , u - tail t weight , and u - tail hybridization energy , the method can recognize 92 . 25 of known terminators while rejecting 98 . 48 of predicted rna local secondary structures in coding regions negative control as false intrinsic terminators in e . coli . this method was applied to scan the genome of synechococcus sp
    在过去二十年中,不少研究者已开始研究如何用计算方法来预测转录终止信号,如brendel和trifonov的双核苷酸分布矩阵法dinucleotide distribution matrix carafa等的统计方法transterm和rnamotif法等,这些方法都从不同方面考虑了rna二级结构和u -尾部的特征,而gester的预测模型则设定rna二级发夹结构是不依赖终止子的唯一因素。
  • It's difficult to see gester in a sentence. 用gester造句挺难的
如何用gester造句,用gester造句gester in a sentence, 用gester造句和gester的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。