guy fawkes river造句
- It includes parts of the Guy Fawkes River National Park.
- The Guy Fawkes River plunges off the Northern Tablelands at the Ebor Falls.
- This walk follows the Guy Fawkes River south for about half of the walk.
- This village is close to the Guy Fawkes River National Park and Ebor Falls.
- Adjoining the national park are the Guy Fawkes River Nature Reserve and Guy Fawkes River State Conservation Area.
- Adjoining the national park are the Guy Fawkes River Nature Reserve and Guy Fawkes River State Conservation Area.
- It grows as far south as the upper gullies of the Guy Fawkes River and the Macleay River.
- The Bicentennial National Trail runs along the western side of Guy Fawkes River on what is a travelling stock route.
- This path follows closely left of the Guy Fawkes River north and meets the national park's Upper and Lower Falls paths.
- Ebor; this is a rugged remote section that follows the Guy Fawkes River through Guy Fawkes River National Park and across Waterfall Way.
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- Ebor; this is a rugged remote section that follows the Guy Fawkes River through Guy Fawkes River National Park and across Waterfall Way.
- There are two local walks comprising the recreation reserve of approximately 40 hectares accessible immediately south of the Guy Fawkes River bridge near the hotel.
- The second walk is accessed by crossing the Guy Fawkes River bridge and following the pedestrian path to the left which winds north under the bridge.
- The Dorrigo Plateau and surrounding Guy Fawkes River National Park area was created by successive basaltic lava flows from the Ebor Volcano covering the original granite base.
- The course of the river generally runs from the south to north along the valley of the Demon Fault Line, within the Guy Fawkes River National Park.
- "' Guy Fawkes River "', a perennial stream that is part of the New England and Northern Tablelands districts of New South Wales, Australia.
- There are spectacular examples of valley and rugged river gorges including the deeply incised Guy Fawkes River Valley along the line of an ancient Henry rivers also run through the park.
- Other types of Travelling Stock Routes include the rugged remote TSR that follows the Guy Fawkes River through Guy Fawkes River National Park and is part of the Bicentennial National Trail.
- Other types of Travelling Stock Routes include the rugged remote TSR that follows the Guy Fawkes River through Guy Fawkes River National Park and is part of the Bicentennial National Trail.
- Guy Fawkes River National Park has over 40 different vegetation communities, 28 threatened plant species, 24 threatened fauna species and significant areas of old growth forest protected within the park.
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