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herd instinct造句

"herd instinct"是什么意思  
  • Morality is the herd instinct in the individual
  • But the behaviour of financial markets is always very difficult to predict . they have the habit of over - reacting or over - shooting , particularly when market participants are seized , sometimes blindly , by the herd instinct
  • But i believe we had an easier task in that we were dealing with forms of human behaviour that were largely predictable - the profit motive , greed , herd instinct - and with the rule of the market and its imperfections
  • This may at times be so serious as to lead to general panic , as herd instinct , following the sometimes deliberately transparent actions of the renowned market leaders , takes hold . this then results in problems of systemic dimensions , threatening financial meltdown and serious disruptions to financial intermediation and economic activities
  • It's difficult to see herd instinct in a sentence. 用herd instinct造句挺难的
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