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herd management areas造句

  • The BLM has established Herd Management Areas to determine where and how many animals will be sustained.
  • Pursuant to the 1978 amendments to the herd management areas ( HMAs ) where feral horses were permitted to live on federal land.
  • The PMWHR is the only Herd Management Area ( a BLM area managed for feral horses and / or burros ) in Montana.
  • It also wants burro population inventories and information on how much damage burros are doing to wildlife habitat in the various herd management areas.
  • Pursuant to the 1978 amendments, BLM established 209 " herd management areas " ( HMAs ) where feral horses existed on federal land.
  • The Spanish Mustang as a modern Herd Management Areas ( HMAs ) of the western United States, currently managed by the Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ).
  • The Cedar Mountain Wilderness includes more than half of the Cedar Mountain Herd Management Area, where feral horses have grazed since they were introduced in the late 19th century.
  • I am nominating this for featured list because it is a comprehensive, annotated listing of the roughly 270 Herd Management areas for mustangs and feral burros ( legally, " wild and free-roaming horses and burros " handled by the Bureau of Land Management across 10 western states.
  • I've been working on this for over a year and found it was far more complicated than I ever dreamed-- Government reports, contradictory statistics, political controversy and reading things with titles like " Cedar Mountain and Onaqui Mountain Wild Horse Herd Management Areas Capture, Treat and Release Plan-Fertility Control with Limited Removal-Environmental Assessment DOI-BLM-UT-W010-2011-0031-EA ".
  • It's difficult to see herd management areas in a sentence. 用herd management areas造句挺难的
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