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herd of cattle造句

  • Here was enough middle ground to run a herd of cattle.
  • Teenagers smile as they move herds of cattle across the highway.
  • But increasing herds of cattle did a number on the grass.
  • They also owned several other enormous herds of cattle and deer.
  • By 2016 all four stations were running a herd of cattle.
  • Our world has become nothing but a herd of cattle.
  • Some stood clumped together in frozen bands amid frozen herds of cattle.
  • Tolls were for vehicles and for a herd of cattle.
  • The nobility owned great herds of cattle that had herdsmen and guards.
  • By 2010 the herd of cattle numbered 270 and was steadily growing.
  • It's difficult to see herd of cattle in a sentence. 用herd of cattle造句挺难的
  • The Apache did not keep or breed herds of cattle.
  • By 2016 all four stations are now successfully running herds of cattle.
  • The passengers were treated like " a herd of cattle ."
  • One relief in the show has a herd of cattle crossing a canal.
  • Their birthright and legacy are their land and herds of cattle and goats.
  • Both men run their own herds of cattle, combining forces when necessary.
  • Instead, it was the home of massive herds of cattle and horses.
  • Large herds of cattle often grazed on the open land during this period.
  • Living off herds of cattle, sheep and goats, they practiced transhumance.
  • In addition, the floods reportedly reduced herds of cattle by 20 percent.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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