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herd of elephants造句

  • They also spotted a herds of elephants, giraffes and impalas.
  • Area residents saw a large herd of elephants surround the dead animals.
  • A herd of elephants, hearing an elephant in distress, comes running.
  • He saw a herd of elephants taking a drink.
  • The helicopter carrying Grobler swooped after a herd of elephants charging through the bush.
  • As recently as 30 years ago, large herds of elephants ranged throughout West Africa.
  • Herds of elephants majestically walking across the roads and rivulets could be a regular sight.
  • The region under Luba people then had abundantly preserved herds of elephants with their tusk.
  • We saw herds of just about everything : herds of elephants, herds of Cape buffalo.
  • Greeted by a herd of elephants, Colin asked, " Are they real ?"
  • It's difficult to see herd of elephants in a sentence. 用herd of elephants造句挺难的
  • Forty yards ahead is a herd of elephants, each animal weighing a few tons or more.
  • "We are doing less damage than a herd of elephants, " he said.
  • When the howlers screech, all the monkeys run and it sounds like a herd of elephants.
  • If the news gets a little dicey, that herd of elephants could find the door relatively narrow.
  • The wildlife sanctuary comes under Protect Elephant and one can spot herd of elephants roaming in the area.
  • A herd of elephants or a blazing inferno could hardly do more damage to the face of a forest.
  • Arriving at a spot where a herd of elephants was grazing, we noticed another tourist group already there.
  • But Martin's attempt to remove the ivory is thwarted when Tarzan appears with a herd of elephants.
  • He had developed a unique relationship with a wild herd of elephant on the Thula Thula Reserve in Zululand.
  • What could cause the normally stable Earth to shake as if a herd of elephants was stampeding through your bedroom?
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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