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highway 194造句

  • The section of present day State Highway 194 between Interstate 35.
  • Duluth's Mesaba Avenue ( Highway 194 ) travels through the Central Hillside neighborhood.
  • State Highway 194 ( County Road 9 ) are also near Four Corners  Pike Lake business district.
  • Wyoming Highway 194 lies entirely in Sheridan County, so it is an exception to the numbering rule.
  • "' Wyoming Highway 194 "'is a east-west Wyoming State Road that runs though the community of Sheridan County.
  • U . S . Highway 53, State Highway 194 ( MN 194 ), and County Road 13 ( Midway Road ) are three of the main routes in Hermantown.
  • The "'Downtown "'of Highway 194 ) and 4th Avenue East; and located on Michigan, Superior, First, Second, and Third Streets.
  • The Highway 53 or "'Miller Trunk Corridor "'refers to a large agglomeration of retail development in State Highway 194 ( Central Entrance ), and parts of the Arrowhead, Haines, and Maple Grove Roads.
  • It's difficult to see highway 194 in a sentence. 用highway 194造句挺难的
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