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hill hill hill hill造句

  • :See List of tautological place names for places whose names are derived from native language terms for a type of feature, such as the Mississippi River ( Mississippi meaning " Big River " in Algonquian languages ) or the more extreme case of Torpenhow Hill in Cumbria, England where successive invaders took the existing residents'name for the hill and added their own word for " hill ", giving us a name which literally means " Hill Hill Hill Hill " .-- Talk 01 : 07, 18 December 2005 ( UTC)
  • It's difficult to see hill hill hill hill in a sentence. 用hill hill hill hill造句挺难的
如何用hill hill hill hill造句,用hill hill hill hill造句hill hill hill hill in a sentence, 用hill hill hill hill造句和hill hill hill hill的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。