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house of dreux造句

  • Pierre Mauclerc was the founder of the Breton House of Dreux.
  • The "'House of Dreux "'was a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty.
  • Early dukes of Brittany descended from Peter used a canton ermine to mark them as cadets of the House of Dreux.
  • His wife's family, the House of Penthi鑦re, were descendants of the House of Dreux as Dukes of Brittany.
  • Peter's marriage to the heiress of Brittany placed the House of Dreux in one of the most important fiefs of France.
  • It succeeded the Brittany branch of the House of Dreux, invoking already in 1341 a right to succeed John III, Duke of Brittany.
  • The title would continue in the House of Dreux for some time, although from time to time, it was forfeited, or it reverted to the crown.
  • Had the French won the House of Dreux would have been replaced by the House of Blois, a non-Capetian family, in the Duchy of Brittany.
  • It was a cadet branch of the Breton House of Dreux, itself a branch of the House of Dreux; it was thus ultimately part of the Capetian dynasty.
  • It was a cadet branch of the Breton House of Dreux, itself a branch of the House of Dreux; it was thus ultimately part of the Capetian dynasty.
  • It's difficult to see house of dreux in a sentence. 用house of dreux造句挺难的
  • In the War of the Breton Succession, the English backed the heir male, the House of Montfort ( a cadet of the House of Dreux, itself a cadet of the Capetian dynasty ) while the French backed the heir general, the House of Blois.
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