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individual word造句

"individual word"是什么意思  
  • Dictate in phrases or individual words
  • Listen for ideas and meanings, not just individual words
  • The thesaurus displays the synonyms and antonyms for individual words
  • For example, you can format an individual word in the text as bold by placing a
  • Separates the string into individual words based on word boundaries word-breaking
  • From the whole word justice is satisfied the total need . from the individual word justice is satisfied individual need
  • Typically, index entries refer to individual words or phrases, topics that might span several pages, or other index entries
  • You can include html formatting in the property; for example, you can format an individual word in the text as bold by placing a
  • A class name should be short but descriptive, formed from whole words, with individual words capitalized for example,
  • Nervousness spreads throughout your body because you recognize all the individual words, but don't know the meaning of the entire phrase
  • It's difficult to see individual word in a sentence. 用individual word造句挺难的
  • Without quotation marks, the search is equivalent to specifying " class and definition ", which returns topics that contain both of the individual words
  • If you are parsing a sentence into individual words, you might end up with words that have blank spaces also called white spaces on either end of the word
  • There are many instant translation tools on the web-but they are best used for individual words and short phrases, rather than for brochures, books or anything complex
  • Listen to english radio station and tv channels, and if you don't understand the general content ? then stretch-your-brain and compete with yourself by counting how many individual words you recognize in every 2-minute time span
  • Lsi tries to overcome the problem of lexical matching by using statistically derived conceptual indices instead of individual words for retrieval . in this thesis lsi is introduced into case retrieval, and the application of lsi represented also
如何用individual word造句,用individual word造句individual word in a sentence, 用individual word造句和individual word的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。