international accreditation forum造句
- ANAB is an underwriter for the International Accreditation Forum ( IAF ) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation ( ILAC ) providing documentations recognized by government agencies from a number of participating nations.
- ICMCI has been an observer to The International Accreditation Forum ( IAF ) and has been pleased to be able to contribute to committees and task forces considering the revised ISO17024 standard and the qualifications of ISO 17024 assessors.
- Accreditation bodies that participate in the International Accreditation Forum ( IAF ) Multilateral Agreement ( MLA ) also ensure that these accredited Product Certifiers meet additional requirements set forth in " IAF GD5 : 2006-IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO / IEC Guide 65 : 1996 ".
- Works as VP ( Certification ) Standards Institute of Israel ( SII-QCD ), serves as the Vice President of IQnet Association ( The International Network of Certification Bodies ), Israel's representative for ISO / CASCO, and IQNet's representative for International Accreditation Forum ( IAF ).
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