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  • European Union negotiator Herve Jouanjean told reporters after a three-day meeting on Russian accession.
  • Jouanjean said Russia was stalling because the government was concerned by domestic opposition to trade liberalization.
  • The two parties had not even been in the same room during a day of frantic meetings, EU official Herve Jouanjean said.
  • Another difficult issue in the negotiations is Russia's insistence on limiting foreign ownership in the financial and telecommunications sectors, EU negotiator Herve Jouanjean said.
  • "There is one month before the Oct . 1 deadline, and we believe there is still time for a solution, " said Herve Jouanjean, a commission official.
  • Herve Jouanjean, the EU's director of relations with the WTO, said Wednesday it seemed a consensus in favor of a " Millennium Round " on services and agriculture was being built, but refused to give details of what the EU's approach would be.
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