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ky 194造句

  • The last segment to open is from KY 194 north to Scott Fork.
  • On December 6, 2006, a segment of Corridor G opened from the KY 194 ( Johns Creek ) interchange.
  • "' Kentucky Route 194 Spur "'connects KY 194 at Freeburn with the Edgarton Bridge over the Tug Fork River, connecting to West Virginia Route 49 across the river and state line.
  • KY 194 is part of the Rural Secondary System from KY 1428 to the intersection with Sycamore Road at the Mountain Public Links golf course ( between McCombs and Mayflover ), and the State Secondary System the rest of the way to Virginia.
  • It's difficult to see ky 194 in a sentence. 用ky 194造句挺难的
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