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lay bare造句

"lay bare"是什么意思  
  • He needn't have raised that tale: it shall all be laid bare !
  • He had laid bare his agony of grief in the presence of these two men .
  • This pierced me like a sword, and seemed to lay bare my private disloyalty .
  • The 1973 summit laid bare the ambiguities of east-west relations in the nuclear age .
  • Its ultimate aim can only be "to lay bare the economic law of motion of human society" .
  • He turned, and flipped the ash from his cigarette on to the great marble hearth-stone that lay bare to the rim, without fender or bar .
  • He needn t have raised that tale : it shall all be laid bare
    他用不着编瞎话:总要真相大白的! ”
  • All the facts are laid bare in this special report
  • Smith laid bare the secret agreements between the companies
  • The pictures from the satellite lay bare the mysteries of deep space
  • It's difficult to see lay bare in a sentence. 用lay bare造句挺难的
  • The goalkeeper left japan with his flaws laid bare ? ? ? ? ?
    这位守门员离开了日本,而他的缺点却暴露无遗。 ? ? ? ? ?
  • Lay bare your bosom
  • " it has laid bare so many cracks and fissures in our system , " he said
    “她暴露了我们整个体系中存在的许多缺陷和裂痕, ”他说。
  • " it has laid bare so many cracks and fissures in our system , " he said
    “她暴露了我们整个体系中存在的许多缺陷和裂痕, ”他说。
  • Its ultimate aim can only be " to lay bare the economic law of motion of human society "
    它的最终目的只能是“揭示人类社会运动的经济规律” 。
  • [ size = 10 . 5pt ] mr taylor also lays bare the inconsistencies of some secular critiques of religion
  • He was not laying bare his desires for any one to see . he did not find any one in the house who particularly cared to see
  • Huge sections of the pine trees were torn away , laying bare the innards of the homes so that none of the elves could escape
  • 25 and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare . so he will fall down and worship god , exclaiming , " god is really among you !
  • It ' s a kind of posture indicating direct intrusion into others ' affairs . one lays bare his heart and throat completely to show that he is undaunted
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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