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palestine 194造句

  • About two weeks later the editor added some content to Palestine 194.
  • Unfortunately, Palestine 194 is currently featured on WP : ITN so something probably needs to be done with that ASAP.
  • Most of the prose in Palestine 194 and International recognition of Palestine appears to be blatant copyright violations with a few minor word changes:
  • Germany was one of 14 countries that voted against Palestine's UNESCO membership in October 2011, within the context of the Palestine 194 initiative.
  • The campaign, dubbed " Palestine 194 ", was formally backed by the Arab League in May, and was officially confirmed by the PLO on 26 June.
  • From 2011, the PLO's diplomatic effort has been focused on the so-called Palestine 194 campaign, which aims to gain membership for the State of Palestine in the United Nations.
  • Since 2011, Palestinian diplomacy has been centred around the Palestine 194 campaign, which aims to gain membership for the State of Palestine in the United Nations at its 66th Session in September 2011.
  • EU member states had no common response to the Palestinian Authority's announcement that it would declare independence in September 2011, through the Palestine 194 diplomatic campaign to gain membership for the State of Palestine in the United Nations.
  • It's difficult to see palestine 194 in a sentence. 用palestine 194造句挺难的
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