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peter of dreux造句

  • The next year, Theobald engaged his daughter to John I, Duke of Brittany, the son of his close crusading ally Peter of Dreux.
  • As an adult, Louis IX faced recurring conflicts with some of the most powerful nobles, such as Hugh X of Lusignan and Peter of Dreux.
  • King Philip II broke off the betrothal of Alix and the Breton prince Henry of Penthi鑦re, and turned to his French cousin Peter of Dreux, as Alix's husband.
  • In 1235 the subvassals of L閛n and Penthi鑦re brought a series of complaints, the " Communes petitiones Britonum ", against the duke, Peter of Dreux, to Louis IX of France.
  • It's difficult to see peter of dreux in a sentence. 用peter of dreux造句挺难的
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