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pigeon cage造句

"pigeon cage"是什么意思  
  • High-rise apartment balconies are given over to pigeon cages.
  • She runs home, whimpering, and smashes all of the pigeon cages her father kept without really knowing what she's doing.
  • (Satrio Piningit ) would cometh from the eastern foothill of Mount Lawu, east of the river ( Bengawan ), his house is like a Raden Gatotkaca's, like a three-layered pigeon cage, such human teasing.
  • Percussion instruments are an important part of traditional Beijing opera, but Jiang felt that they overpowered other instruments, and had them confined in a " pigeon cage, " a sound-absorbing structure built into the orchestra pit.
  • They offer the cheapest housing in the city _ cubicles the size of prison cells ( 4 by 6 feet, 7 feet high ) with just a bed, a locker, a bare dangling bulb and a chicken-wire ceiling _ for as little as $ 4.50 a night . ( Residents call them " chicken coops " or " pigeon cages . ")
  • They offer the cheapest housing in the city _ cubicles the size of prison cells ( 4 by 6 feet, 7 feet high ) with just a bed, a locker, a bare dangling bulb and a chicken-wire ceiling _ for as little as $ 4 . 50 a night . ( Residents call them " chicken coops " or " pigeon cages . ")
  • It's difficult to see pigeon cage in a sentence. 用pigeon cage造句挺难的
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