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  • Welcome aj , atang , and piggie - fast - running
  • Daddy , mummy , please buy a piggie for yourselves . when you have no more money , the piggie will open its tummy and give you money
    爸爸妈妈, (你们)也买个钱罐存钱吧。你们没钱用了罐子就会把肚肚里的钱掏出来给你们的。
  • Piggie , which is better translated as " pork chop " in cantonese , is a new slang originated in hong kong not long ago . literally , it refers to ugly girls . if you see a girl who is very ugly in your eyes , you can say , " she is a pork chop .
  • It's difficult to see piggie in a sentence. 用piggie造句挺难的
如何用piggie造句,用piggie造句piggie in a sentence, 用piggie造句和piggie的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。