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  • Four months after the fire, Quirot returned to the track.
  • Quirot's victory was the most heartwarming of the championships.
  • Quirot said she wants to reach the finals in the 800.
  • But it appeared that Quirot had pipped her at the post.
  • Then seven months pregnant, Quirot also lost her unborn child.
  • "I'm extra proud, " said Quirot.
  • Cuban athlete Ana Fidelia Quirot and 20 kilometre walk records.
  • Ana Fidelia Quirot completed a 400 / 800 m double.
  • This much is known : Quirot was seven months pregnant at the time.
  • Quirot took almost two years off before last season.
  • It's difficult to see quirot in a sentence. 用quirot造句挺难的
  • By then, Quirot had walked off the track.
  • Ana Quirot was not supposed to live after a fire two years ago.
  • Quirot, 32, has had to call on her extra strength before.
  • Doctors thought she would die, but Quirot survived.
  • The pressure was on Ana Quirot and Noureddine Morceli.
  • Quirot spent eight months in and out of hospitals and underwent seven operations.
  • Quirot nearly died and lost a child after a household fire in 1993.
  • Civil said, noting Quirot had returned from European competition only days before.
  • Quirot, as many other distinguished Cuban athletes, also has political duties.
  • Ana Fidelia Quirot's Cuban national record had been 4 : 13.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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