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  • Professor quirrel : troll in the dungeon ! troll in the dungeon ! thought you ought to know
  • Now quirrel did not know what the philosopher ' s stone looked like ( it ' s been locked up for ages ) , and i think more than just * seeing it * would equal familiarity for an object that was not in line - of - site
    奇洛不知道魔法石的样子(它被藏匿了很多年) ,而且我认为,不仅仅是“看过”的话,是可以对等于对一件不在视野范围内的物体熟悉。
  • It's difficult to see quirrel in a sentence. 用quirrel造句挺难的
如何用quirrel造句,用quirrel造句quirrel in a sentence, 用quirrel造句和quirrel的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。