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  • Although Quirrell was destroyed, Voldemort's spirit escaped.
  • To conceal this, Quirrell took to wearing the turban.
  • Actor David de Keyser is also replaced as Professors Dumbledore and Quirrell.
  • Caught drinking unicorn blood, Quirrell reveals to Harry that he is dying.
  • In Azkaban, Quirrell learns of Voldemort's death and is devastated.
  • Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell : Leading members of the Hogwarts faculty.
  • Voldemort left Quirrell to die and is likely to return by some other means.
  • Professor Quirrell is also featured in the novel.
  • "He is with me wherever I go, " said Quirrell quietly.
  • Later that same day, Professor Quirrell broke into the vault under orders from Voldemort.
  • It's difficult to see quirrell in a sentence. 用quirrell造句挺难的
  • Harry first meets Quirrell at the Fluffy.
  • Quirrell removes his turban and reveals Voldemort to be living on the back of his head.
  • Quirrell removes his turban and reveals that Voldemort was living on the back of his head.
  • Discovering their shared love of space exploration, Quirrell shows Harry a vision of the cosmos.
  • In the final attack, Harry lays his hands on Quirrell, who burns into crumbling ash.
  • Finally collating a number of suspicious coincidences surrounding Quirrell, Harry realises that the professor is Voldemort.
  • Voldemort realises he has become close with Quirrell, and that he wishes to remain his friend.
  • Voldemort, Quirrell and Harry all lament those they have lost ( " Missing You " ).
  • Harry discovers that when he comes into direct contact with Quirrell, it immediately produces a burning effect.
  • They succeed, and Quirrell delivers Black to a safe house before he and Harry return to Hogwarts.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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