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radio detonator造句

"radio detonator"是什么意思  
  • The tactical nuclear devices were detonated by either mechanical or radio detonators.
  • What do you mean by " radio detonator "?
  • Plastic C-4 explosives, radio detonators, M-60 machine guns, M-24 sniper rifles and ammunition were some of the items DeMarquis says were on the Russian's shopping list.
  • :: : : By " radio detonator ", I mean a device that sets off a demolition charge remotely by means of radio waves-- certainly " not " a proximity fuze.
  • Simon calls the police, knowing the FBI is there, to inform them that he has planted a bomb in a NYC-area public school that is rigged with a radio detonator triggered by the police band.
  • Also, it would be nice to know the approximate weight of a radio detonator-- I want to make sure that Alfred, my demolition man, doesn't get a loadout that's too heavy ( he already has to carry a heavier loadout than anyone else in the team, because of the 21 lbs . of Composition C that he has to lug on his back ).
  • When he is sure the last tenants are clear Peter goes up to the roof and finds the access doors open, the Faceless Man waiting, enjoying a bird " s-eye view of a major incident response and, patronising and overconfident as ever, he engages Peter in a little light banter before explaining he can't afford to let Peter live and flourishes his radio detonator.
  • It's difficult to see radio detonator in a sentence. 用radio detonator造句挺难的
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