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raja raja chola造句

  • The fort was said to have been destroyed by Raja Raja Chola.
  • The Thanjavur temple was built by Raja raja Chola in the 11th century.
  • This temple was constructed by " Raja Raja Chola's Mother ".
  • Originally the temple was constructed during the reign of King Raja Raja Chola.
  • Raja Raja Chola died in 1014 and was succeeded by his son Rajendra Chola.
  • Raja Raja Chola I ?Rajendra Chola I.
  • Raja Raja Chola's grandfather died there.
  • Raja Neethi Vinayagar is a special temple which was established during Raja Raja Chola period.
  • It was the last among the temples built by the king Raja Raja Chola I.
  • Sathaya Thiruvizha is the annual birthday festival of Raja Raja Chola held during October every year.
  • It's difficult to see raja raja chola in a sentence. 用raja raja chola造句挺难的
  • According to research, in 1003 AD, King Raja Raja Chola celebrated his birthday here.
  • Choleeswara of Arinjaya Chola was built by Raja Raja Chola along with Somanatheeswarar temple in Melpadi.
  • The inscription settles a long-standing debate about what Raja Raja Chola did at Kanthalur Salai.
  • Tower of Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur was completed in 1010 CE by Raja Raja Chola I . ]]
  • Krishnan Raman joined the service of Raja Raja Chola and rose to become an important Senapati or commander.
  • Udaiyar " themed on the life of Raja Raja Chola I and the construction of the Peruvudaiyar Kovil.
  • An inscription unearthed records a land grant given to Tirumannur Patarakar in the eighth regnal year of Raja Raja Chola.
  • Raja Raja Chola, therefore, must have despatched his soldiers to bring the rebellious teachers and pupils under his control.
  • The silk trade in Kanchipuram began when King Raja Raja Chola I ( 985 1014 ) invited weavers to migrate to Kanchi.
  • According to epigraphical evidence, the temple is believed to have been constructed by Kulothunga Chola III or Raja Raja Chola III.
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