rat snakes造句
- Gohan and aochan make strange bedfellows : one's a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake
在日本东京的一家动物园内,一只长不足9厘米的老鼠与一条1米多长的蛇就成为了亲密无间的室友。 - Gohan and aochan make strange bedfellows : one's a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake
谁说蛇一定是老鼠的天敌?在日本东京的一家动物园内,一只长不足9厘米的老鼠与一条1米多长的蛇就成为了亲密无间的室友。 - Aochan, a 2-year-old male japanese rat snake, eventually developed an appetite for frozen rodents but has so far shown no signs of gobbling up gohan despite her name
尽管这条蛇后来又慢慢开始以冷冻的鼠肉为食,但它似乎对身边的那只老鼠一直没有动过吞食的念头。 - Gohan and aochan make strange bedfellows : one's a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake . gohan and aochan make strange bedfellows : one's a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake
在日本东京的一家动物园内,一只长不足9厘米的老鼠与一条1米多长的蛇就成为了亲密无间的室友。 - Gohan and aochan make strange bedfellows : one's a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake . gohan and aochan make strange bedfellows : one's a 3.5-inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake
在日本东京的一家动物园内,一只长不足9厘米的老鼠与一条1米多长的蛇就成为了亲密无间的室友。 - It's difficult to see rat snakes in a sentence. 用rat snakes造句挺难的
如何用rat snakes造句,用rat snakes造句,rat snakes in a sentence, 用rat snakes造句和rat snakes的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。