santa isabel造句
- Santa Isabel, Chile's largest supermarket chain, denied any joint-venture agreement was imminent.
- But in Santa Isabel, Chavez says, staying uninvolved was not an option.
- Licensed to Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico, it serves the Puerto Rico area.
- Santa Isabel is looking for a partner, but there is no deadline.
- On October 24, 2007, Santa Isabel College marked its 375th Foundation Anniversary.
- They described Santa Isabel as a working-class neighborhood full of upright citizens.
- Shares in Santa Isabel gained 1 . 3 percent to 780 . 00.
- Shares in supermarket chain Santa Isabel SA fell 18 . 6 to 770.
- The first church built in Santa Isabel is from the 1850s.
- In Santa Isabel, Cap?owned both lands and the slaves to work them.
- It's difficult to see santa isabel in a sentence. 用santa isabel造句挺难的
- The squadron captured the " Santa Isabel ", and eight other Spanish transports.
- Supermarket chain Santa Isabel declined 5 . 6 percent to 206 . 80.
- It acquired Ahold's stake in the Chilean supermarket chain Santa Isabel last year.
- It is the latter-- management-- that Santa Isabel most needs, said UBS's McGowan.
- Santa Isabel College has an alumni association which meets every month.
- It is denoted by a central statue of Queen Santa Isabel.
- Cap?was one of the major landlords in the municipality of Santa Isabel.
- Ricardo Esteves, a Velox spokesman, said Velox would support Santa Isabel's expansion plans.
- Santa Isabel closed flat at 190 pesos, the same price as that tendered.
- The releasing show happened in Santa Isabel Theater, on June 14.
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