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用"acmi"造句"acmi"怎么读"acmi" in a sentence


  • 艾米陶瓷机械工程有限公司
  • 美国棉业协会
  • 魔法免疫
  • 陶瓷机械实业有限公司


  • Nacts is a computerized aircraft , threat and target tracking system that is the “ great - grandson ” of the air combat maneuvering instrumentation system , or acmi
    Nacts是一个将飞机,威胁和目标跟踪数字化的系统,是空战机动检测系统( acmi )的升级换代产品。
  • Like the acmi system , nacts is composed of pods carried on aircraft , remote sensors located on the red flag ranges , a host computer and debriefing and display subsystems
    跟acmi系统一样, nacts由飞机上携带的挂舱,分布在红旗训练场中遥感探头,以及一个进行任务报告和显示电脑主机系统组成。
  • Acmi is an industrial company which professionally provides ceramic whole plant project , engineering , machinery manufacturing , ceramic technology service and raw materials
  • Co - operating with the professional ceramic machinery manufacturers and excellent ceramic raw materials suppliers , with advanced globalize ceramic production technology and experience , acmi can provide the advance machinery and equipment for ceramic manufacturers all over the world
  • Acmi has a strong technical team in ceramic industry , after a long time study of the advanced technology in the world , and according to the ceramic production technology in china , they conclude technology and experience of ceramic production with low consumption , low cost , high efficiency and high quality


  • acmi 意味
  • acmi meaning
  • acmiとは意味

    ACMI {略-1} : Absorber-Cladding Mechanical Interaction 吸収材被覆管機械的相互作用{きゅうしゅう ざい ひふく かん きかい てき そうご さよう} ---------------...

acmi的中文翻译,acmi是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译acmi,acmi的中文意思,acmi的中文acmi in Chineseacmi的中文acmi怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。