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用"amaz"造句"amaz"怎么读"amaz" in a sentence


  • 阿玛斯


  • Clarence , look how everyone showed up . it ' s amaz -
    克莱伦斯,看看大家都出来吧,太好了… …
  • And " where , for the land s sake , did you get these amaz n pickles ?
    “天啊,你哪里弄来这么好吃的泡菜啊? ”
  • So it s really amaz - ing when we think about master s blessing food , and even ourselves , that we do even change the structure of the food or the water
  • " it s a most amaz n good idea , duke - you have got a rattlin clever head on you , " says the king . " blest if the old nonesuch ain t a heppin us out agin , " and he begun to haul out yaller - jackets and stack them up
    “这可是个了不起的好主意,公爵你那个脑袋瓜可真是聪明绝顶了, ”国王说, “还是王室异兽这出老戏帮了我们的忙。 ”
  • Said i ; yes , says he ; let fly then , says i , in the name of god , and with that i fir d again among the amaz d wretches , and so did friday ; and as our pieces were now loaden with what i call d swan - shot , or small pistol bullets , we found only two drop ; but so many were wounded , that they run about yelling , and skreaming , like mad creatures , all bloody , and miserably wounded , most of them ; whereof three more fell quickly after , though not quite dead
  • I was so amaz d with the thing it self , having never felt the like , or discours d with any one that had , that i was like one dead or stupify d ; and the motion of the earth made my stomach sick like one that was toss d at sea ; but the noise of the falling of the rock awak d me as it were , and rousing me from the stupify d condition i was in , fill d me with horror , and i thought of nothing then but the hill falling upon my tent and all my houshold goods , and burying all at once ; and this sunk my very soul within me a second time
  • Point of the island , i was perfectly confounded and amaz d ; nor is it possible for me to express the horror of my mind , at seeing the shore spread with skulls , hands , feet , and other bones of humane bodies ; and particularly i observ d a place where there had been a fire made , and a circle dug in the earth , like a cockpit , where it is suppos d the savage wretches had sat down to their inhumane feastings upon the bodies of their fellow - creatures
  • The captain was terribly amaz d , and even confounded at this , believing they would go on board the ship again , and set sail , giving their comrades for lost , and so he should still lose the ship , which he was in hopes we should have recover d ; but he was quickly as much frighted the other way
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