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用"amicus"造句"amicus"怎么读"amicus" in a sentence


  • 制造业工会


  • Here ' s a link to the slew of amicus briefs in the michigan cases
  • The first part is about the connotation of " amicus curiae " briefs and its history
  • An old - fashioned horror compendium in the tradition of the amicus films complete with a framing story , fashionable gore and contemporary themes
  • Such a response to the issue of amicus curiae in an impromptu and inconsistent manners by the dispute settlement body have triggered the hot debate among the wto members
  • I propose that the wto provide the opportunity for stakeholders to convey their views , such as the ability to file amicus briefs , to help inform the panels in their deliberations
  • The issue of " amicus curiae " briefs has experienced a process , which is from denial to shake , then to acceptance , in the wto dispute settlement body
    由于“法庭之友”及其陈述的法律地位不明确, wto争端解决机构,尤其是上诉机构对待“法庭之友”陈述的实践就成为值得研究的问题。
  • America is also an advocator of regulation of amicus curiae in which non - behalf relevant members of trade disputes nominate . panelists and members of appellate bodies
    此外,美国也提倡“法官的顾问制度” ,即由贸易争端的非相关利益成员方提名争端解决程序中专家组成员或上诉机构成员的制度。
  • The contribution of ec focuses on panel establishment , implementation of recommendations and rulings , compensation and the suspension of concessions , regulation of amicus curiae and so on
  • After the establishment of the world trade organization , some non - governmental organizations joined into the wto dispute settlement by submitting “ amicus curiae " briefs to wto dispute settlement agency
  • " amicus curiae " briefs was briefly applied in the litigation system of common law countries such as britain and the united states . at present , there are fewer presentations on this issue in china
  • 更多例句:  1  2


Amicus was the United Kingdom's second-largest trade union, and the largest private sector union, formed by the merger of Manufacturing Science and Finance, the AEEU (Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union) agreed in 2001, and two smaller unions, UNIFI and the GPMU. Amicus also organised in both parts of Ireland and was affiliated to the UK Trades Union Congress, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Scottish Trades Union Congress.
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