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用"bierce"造句"bierce"怎么读"bierce" in a sentence


  • 比耶尔斯


  • As writers, they cherish economy, and witty phrases, they are often bitter, like bierce and lardner, but their rage at human folly has to be disguised and made entertaining .
  • Jeff : " the devil ' s dictionary " by ambrose bierce
    杰夫:安布罗斯?毕尔斯的《魔鬼字典》 。
  • Art of war stories by ambrose bierce
    安布鲁斯183 ;毕尔斯的战争小说艺术
  • Jeff : the book by ambrose bierce . " the devil ' s dictionary .
    杰夫:是安布鲁斯?伯斯写的《魔鬼字典》 。
  • Calamities are of two kinds : misfortune to ourselves , and good fortune to others . - - - ambrose bierce , the devil ' s dictionary
  • As writers , they cherish economy , and witty phrases , they are often bitter , like bierce and lardner , but their rage at human folly has to be disguised and made entertaining
    他们在写作上喜欢简洁机智的词句;他们往往心存不满(如比尔斯和拉德纳) ,但他们对于人类虚伪的忿恨,却须加以伪装,出之趣笔。
  • Barker told investigators that cortez pushed the 14 - year - old girl to the floor and made " thrusting motions " as barker held down her hands , then they switched positions , bierce said
    比尔斯叙述道,巴克告诉调查人员,科尔特斯将一名14岁的女孩推倒,巴克摁住她的双手,科尔特斯做出“用力推进的动作” ,然后他们交换位置。
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