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他用手掂量了一下这个包裹 He weighed the parcel in his...
他用手揩额头 He wiped his head across his...
他用斧子在墙上砍出一个洞 He cut a hole through the wa...
他用水冲排水沟 He flushed the drain. develo...
他用筷子不大熟练 He's not very skilful with h...
他用篙一点就把船撑开了 He pushed the boat off with ...
他用粉笔在黑板上勾划出一个图样 He chalked out a design on t...
他用粘土做模型 He models in clay. mould
他用糨糊粘信封 He sealed the envelope with ...
他用肘猛戳我的腰部 He jabbed his elbow into my ...
他用肥皂水吹泡 He blows bubbles with soap w...
他用肩膀在人群中挤过去 He shouldered his way throug...
他用蜡笔给画上色 He coloured the picture with...
他用袖子擦干脸上的汗水 He sleeved the sweat off his...
他用词很不确切 He is quite inexact in his c...
他用钢琴为她伴奏 He accompanied her on the pi...
他用锹挖地 He dug the ground with a spa...
他用难题来窘我 He embarrassed me with a dif...
他用鞭子抽打马背 He lashed the horse across t...
他用黄蜡笔给画着色 He coloured the picture with...
他由上海转道而来 He came by way of Shanghai.
他由于吃了腐肉而中毒 He is poisoned by eating rot...
他由于疏忽才干了这事 He did it through an oversig...
他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章 He received a medal for his ...
他由职员升为经理 He was promoted from a clerk...
他由职员晋升为经理 He was promoted from a clerk...
他申报了新买的瑞士表并纳税五英镑 He declared his new Swiss wa...
他申辩自己无罪 He pleaded that he was not g...
他画的马很传神 The horse he painted is very...
他画起山水画儿来得心应手 He paints landscapes with gr...
他画过裸体模特儿 He has painted nude models.
他留着连鬓胡子 He wears whiskers on his che...
他略微有些山东口音 He has a slight Shandong acc...
他病了三天 He was ill for three days. h...
他病后感到很虚 He felt very weak after his ...
他病后身体虚弱 He weakened after his illnes...
他病后身体软弱 His illness has left him wea...
他病得一点也不想吃 He is so ill that he doesn't...
他痒得几乎忍不住了 The itching was almost more ...
他痛快地答应了 He readily agreed.
他痛苦地意识到一家人的看法有分歧 He grew painfully aware that...
他痛苦地看到一家人的看法有分歧 He grew painfully aware that...
他的 his
他的一个肩比另一个肩略高一点 He has one shoulder a little...
他的一双手很笨 He is clumsy with his hands....
他的一生是与贫苦和失业斗争的一生 His whole life is a fight ag...
他的一生统统献给了教育工作 His life was entirely given ...
他的一番话使我开了窍 His words have enlightened m...
他的一颗门牙掉了 One of his front teeth has d...
他的三角学分数很低 He received a low mark for t...
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