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去污 decontaminate
去污剂 remover
去污粉 cleanser
去泰去甚 not to go too far
去海滨度假 go to the seaside for one's ...
去游泳 go for a swim
去火 reduce internal heat
去留任你选择 Go or stay where you are,as ...
去留听便 You may go or stay as you pl...
去留悉听尊便 You are at liberty to go or ...
去留未决 Dismiss or return is not yet...
去留自便 be free to go or stay
去痛 unsting
去痛定 piminodine esylate
去皮 remove the peel or skin
去皮二十公斤 net weight twenty kilograms
去皮干豌豆 split peas
去皮机 skinning machine
去皮玉米 hulled corn
去看戏 go to the theatre
去看电影 go to the cinema
去硫铸铁 off-sulphur iron
去磁 degauss
去粗取精 discard the dross and select...
去职 no longer hold the post
去腐生肌 removing necrosis and promot...
去臭 deodorizing
去臭剂 deodorizer
去芜取精 discard the useless and acce...
去芜存菁 get rid of the weed and keep...
去营救某人 go to sb.'s rescue
去话 call
去话台 position
去话呼叫 outgoing call
去跑步 go for a run
去路 the way along which one is g...
去路畅通 all-clear
去过好几趟 have made several trips
去进去 go in
去远征 go on an expedition
去邪归正 leave false ways and come ba...
去钓鱼 go fishing
去银行取款 go and draw some money from ...
去除 dislodge
去雄 emasculate
去雄花 eunuchs
去雄蕊 detassel
去集市买食物 go to the market to buy food
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