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县丞 county magistrate's assistan...
县令 county magistrate
县份 county
县团以上 of county or regiment level ...
县城 county seat
县委书记 the secretary of the Party c...
县委书记到一个乡村蹲点去了 The county Party secretary h...
县子石 Xuan Zishi
县官 county magistrate
县官不如现管 Nothing like having a man on...
县局 county telephone central off...
县志 general records of a county
县民事法庭 parish court
县治 county jurisdiction
县级 county level
县长 the head of a county
参三七 radix notoginseng
参不破 cannot penetrate recommend p...
参与 partake
参与其事 have a finger in the pie
参与决策 decision to participate
参与制 system of holding
参与制订规划 participate in the drawing u...
参与式领导者 participative leader
参与性决策 participatory decision-makin...
参与性学习 participatory learning
参与意识 sense of participation in
参与放款 participation loan
参与政变阴谋 take part in a conspiracy fo...
参与民主制 participatory democracy
参与油 participation oil
参与管理 participative management
参与者 participator
参事 counsellor
参伍错综 shuffle together
参你作个教头 recommended you as sergeant
参军 join the army
参军参战 voluntarily to join the army...
参加 join
参加会议 attend a meeting
参加体操比赛的选手有几百名 There were hundreds of conte...
参加党 join the Party
参加战斗 see action
参加承兑 acceptance by intervention
参加承兑人 acceptor by intervention
参加抗日救国运动 join in the movement to resi...
参加比赛 take part in the competition
参加比赛者 contestant
参加测试 take a test
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