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哲人 sage
哲人其萎 The philosopher is dying.
哲学 philosophy
哲学中的两大壁垒 two rival camps in philosoph...
哲学体系 a system of philosophy
哲学博士 Doctor of Philosophy
哲学原理 metaphysics
哲学家 philosopher
哲学家往往偏重于否定态度 Philosophers sometimes overw...
哲学对我来说太深奥了 Philosophy is too deep for m...
哲学思想 philosophical thinking
哲学系 philosophy department
哲学课使学生们打开了新的视野 The course in philosophy ope...
哲理 philosophic theory
哳见 "啁哳"
哺乳 feed a baby at the breast
哺乳仔猪 suckling pig
哺乳仔畜 suckling
哺乳动物 mammal
哺乳动物学 mammalogy
哺乳动物时代 age of mammals
哺乳动物毒害 mammalian toxicity
哺乳动物纲 Mammalia
哺乳器 feeding bottle
哺乳困难 dystithia
哺乳室 nursing room
哺乳期 lactation period
哺乳瓶 nursing-bottle
哺乳类性 mammality
哺乳纲 Mammalia
哺养 feed
哺育 feed
哺育雏鸟 feed little birds nurture
哼儿哈儿 hem and haw
哼动 groan
哼哈 hum and haw
哼哧 puff hard
哼哼 groan or moan continually
哼哼哈哈 hem and haw
哼哼唧唧 groan and moan
哼唧 mumble
哼唷 heave ho
哼声 groaning
哼声器 hummer
哼声测量器 hum noise measuring instrume...
哼声消除器 antihum
哼声电位计 hum potentiometer
哼声调制 hum modulation
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