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帮闲 hang on to and serve the ric...
帮闲文人 literary hack
帷子 curtain
帷幄 army tent
帷幔 curtain hangings
帷幕 parocheth
帷幕法 screen sinking
帷幕法施工 curtaining method
帷幕灌浆 grout curtain
常业 regular profession
常久 for a long while
常事 ordinary affairs
常人 ordinary person
常任 permanent
常任代表 permanent delegate
常任制 permanent tenure in office
常任理事国 permanent member state of a ...
常住人口 permanent resident populatio...
常住地址 permanent address
常住居民 inhabitant
常例 common practice
常例折扣 customary discount
常倍数 multiplying constant
常务 day-to-day business
常务书记 permanent secretary
常务委员 member of the standing commi...
常务委员会 standing committee
常务执行主席 permanent chairman
常务理事 executive director
常务董事 managing director
常务董事会 standing board
常压 ordinary pressure
常压力系数 level pressure coefficient
常压蒸馏 atmospheric distillation
常去朋友那儿走走 visit one's friends at times
常备 be always on the alert
常备不懈 keep to the concept of all-t...
常备军 standing army
常备库存 running stock
常备成本 standing cost
常委 member of the standing commi...
常委会由代表大会选举或者罢免 Members of the standing comm...
常客 frequent caller
常寿 a surname
常寿过 Changshou Guo
常将有日思无日 Waste not,want not.
常川 frequently
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