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怪招人疼的 How lovely the child is!
怪杰 monstre sacré
怪样 mow
怪模怪样 grotesque
怪物 monster an eccentric person
怪现象 strange phenomenon
怪相 grimace
怪眼圆睁 open one's eyes fearsomely w...
怪石嶙峋 jagged rocks of grotesque sh...
怪胎 freak
怪脾气 oddity
怪腔怪调 speak in a queer way
怪话 cynical remark
怪诞 weird
怪诞不经 crazy
怪诞行为 antics
怪里怪气 eccentric
怫然 angrily
怫然不悦 show an angry countenance
怫然作色 flush up with anger
怫而不释 unable to get rid of one's a...
怯场 have stage fright
怯声怯气 lumpish
怯弱 timid and weak-willed
怯懦 timid and overcautious
怯生 shy with strangers
怯而多疑 be timid suspicious
怯阵 feel nervous when going into...
怳见 "惝况"
怵惕 feel apprehensive palpitatio...
怵目惊心 strike the eye and rouse the...
总之 in a word
总书记 general secretary clerk
总产值 gross output value value
总产量 the total output
总代理 general agency
总代理人 general agent
总价 total
总会计师 comptroller
总体 ensemble
总体布局 entire distribution
总体战 general war
总体数控 total numerical control
总体方案 overall plan
总体要求 general requirement
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