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总揽经济全局 assume responsibility for th...
总支 general branch
总收入 gross income
总收率 total recovery
总收益 gross earnings
总攻 general offensive
总政治部 the General Political Depart...
总政治部主任 Director of the General Poli...
总效率 gross efficiency
总教练 head coach
总数 tote
总数还争多少 How many more are needed to ...
总方针 general policy
总星系 metagalaxy
总是 always
总有一天 one fine day
总有一天我会报答你对我的厚爱 Some day will reciprocate yo...
总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德 Some day I will reciprocate ...
总机 switchboard
总机构 headoffice
总标题音乐 absolute music
总根源 root cause general
总汇 come or flow together conflu...
总汇流条 common bus
总清单 general list
总状花序 raceme
总理 premier
总理及其一行 the premier and his party
总理的光临为集会增添了光彩 The presence of the Premier ...
总的形势 the whole or general situati...
总监 inspector general
总目 superorder
总督 governor-general
总督官邸 government house
总站 master station
总章细则 general rules and by-laws
总算 at long last
总管 fore-overman
总纲 the general programme class
总线 highway
总经济师 chief economic manager
总经理 general manager
总经销 exclusive distribution
总经销人 general sales agent
总结 sum up
总结会 summing-up meeting
总结工作 summarize one's work summary
总结报告 summing-up report
总结指令 tally order
总结本课的要点 sum up the main points of th...
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