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步子越迈越大 be made a faster and faster ...
步子轻快 walk with springy steps
步履 walk
步履如飞 with flying feet
步履生风 stride jubilantly
步履矫捷 be fleet of foot
步履紊乱 walk out of step -- in great...
步履维艰 walk with difficulty -- said...
步履轻盈 walk with a light step
步幅 stride
步弓 an ancient wooden bow-shaped...
步态优雅 walk gracefully
步态袅娜 walk with a mincing step
步态蹒跚 One's gait is unsteady.
步态骄矜 have a proud walk
步月夜归 walk home under the moonligh...
步枪 rifle
步枪子弹 musket-shot
步枪射击场 rifle ground
步枪射击术 musketry
步枪射程 rifle shot
步枪弹 rifle cartridge
步枪托架 rifle bracket
步步 step by step
步步为营 advance gradually and entren...
步步为营法 bootstrapping
步步小心 pick one's steps
步步留心 be careful of every step
步步留神 pick one's steps
步步登高 rise step by step in the wor...
步步紧跟 follow at every step
步步紧逼 press on at every stage
步步设防 set up defences at each stag...
步步进逼 press forward steadily
步步退却 incessant retreats
步步高升 be promoted step by step
步武 follow in the footsteps
步武先贤 tread in the footsteps of an...
步法 footwork
步法别致的舞蹈 a dance with fancy steps
步测 pacing
步测二十米的距离 pace off a distance of 20 me...
步温 a surname
步温廷 Buwen Ting
步犁 walking plough
步行 go on foot
步行回去 go back on foot
步行困难 dysbasia
步行小道 footway
步行恐怖 basiphobia
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