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用"charitably"造句"charitably"怎么读"charitably" in a sentence"charitably"的同义词


  • adv.


  • But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat , now walkest thou not charitably . destroy not him with thy meat , for whom christ died
  • I also wish to thank you sincerely for the contribution you have charitably given to our institution . this contribution will be remembered by my children for a very long time because today our heartfelt desire came true
  • ' he soliloquised in an undertone of peevish displeasure , while relieving me of my horse : looking , meantime , in my face so sourly that i charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner , and his pious ejaculation had no reference to my unexpected advent
    “主保佑我们, ”当牵过我的马时,他愤愤的小声嘟哝,同时烦躁地盯着我的脸以至于我大方地推测他一定是需要神的帮助来消化他的晚餐,而他突然迸发处来的虔诚的祷告与我的不期而来是毫不相关。
  • When i was deliver d and taken up at sea by the portugal captain , well us d , and dealt justly and honourably with , as well as charitably , i had not the least thankfulness on my thoughts : when again i was shipwreck d , ruin d , and in danger of drowning on this island , i was as far from remorse , or looking on it as a judgment ; i only said to my self often , that i was an unfortunate dog , and born to be always miserable
    当我在海上被葡萄牙船长救起来时,受到他优厚公正和仁慈的待遇,但我心里没有对上帝产生一点感激之情。后来我再度遭受船难,并差一点在这荒岛边淹死,我也毫无忏悔之意,也没有把此当作对我的报应。我只是经常对自己说,我是个"晦气鬼" ,生来要吃苦受罪。
  • Just as well , nearby chuan shan jia members cooked a boiler of pure rice porridge , wu wei gave me two bowls charitably although they were not enough for themselves , it was so delicious , although no any vegetables , it absolutely was the most flavorful rice porridge in my memories , so , i would like to say many thanks to wu wei and his kind members
  • He soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure , while relieving me of my horse : looking , meantime , in my face so sourly that i charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner , and his pious ejaculation had no reference to my unexpected advent


  • in a charitable manner; "she treated him charitably"

  • in a charitable manner; "she treated him charitably"

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