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用"chromatics"造句"chromatics"怎么读"chromatics" in a sentence


  • n.
    pl. (用作单)颜色学。


  • The work on the simulation of filter , which was applied to the oled to improve the characteristic of chromatics of emission , was introduced
  • In this dissertation , on the base of analysis on low - level - light ( lll ) and infrared ( ir ) image character and also taking into account of chromatics and real - time processing , a number of theoretic algorithms of false color fusion and pre - processing on lll and ir images are explored
  • Using one of the classic research patterns of psychology in chromatics - - semantic differential method to study the relationship between the color and the affection , the paper researches colors of university websites in china , and the subject is undergraduate
    本研究采用色彩学中色彩与人的情感之间关系的心理学研究范式? ? sd ( semanticdifferentialmethod )法,以大学生为被试,对我国大学网站的色彩进行了评价性的研究。
  • In this dissertation , by virtue of self - developed test system , the studies on the optical and electric properties of oled of little molecule with different material , configuration manufactured with different processes have been presented . concepts of chromatics and the mechanism of carrier transportation in the semiconductor device have been applied here to qualitatively analysis and interpret the result of measurement . some interesting conclusions have been given which will be helpful in the further optimization of the performances of oled
    在oled研究过程中,对器件性能的表征工作起到十分重要的作用,本文利用自主开发的测试平台(包括软件、硬件的搭建) ,对不同材料、结构、工艺的小分子oled器件进行了光学、电学性能的测试和评估,并依照色度学、半导体电输运等理论成功的对测试结果作出了定性分析,揭示了制约器件工作性能的相关因素,为器件性能的进一步优化奠定了基础、指明了方向。
  • According to the research of murai pigment , the experiential knowledge of artists and archeologists and some well - protected murals , synthetically applying chromatics , graphics , image processing and ai . murals can be virtually restored . virtual restoration is to restore some colorchanged , color - faded , or part - shedded murals to its original splendid appearance
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