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用"claro"造句"claro"怎么读"claro" in a sentence"claro"的同义词


  • n.
    〔西班牙语〕 一种色淡味纯的雪茄烟。


  • Yo quer a ir , claro . pero jaime tenia miedo . levis dijo que podiamos esperar un poco . no sab amos que paco estaba muerto
  • Take 2 - minutes to see a glimpse of claro ' s italian market , which has been serving the finest italian foods and merchandise in arcadia for 38 years
  • In spite of agoodeconomic performance on the back of high oil prices , you havetobuy justice , mr lopez - claros said , which makes it a verydifficultplace to locate business
  • In spite of a good economic performance on the back of high oil prices , “ you have to buy justice ” , mr lopez - claros said , which makes it a very difficult place to locate business
    洛佩斯-克劳克斯表示,尽管油价高企让俄罗斯经济有了不俗表现,但“你必须用钱买来公正” ,使企业难以在该国立足。
  • Augusto lopez - claros , the lead author of the wef scompetitivenessindex , said the rankings were most useful inspotting big changes incountries overall scores and spottingtrends over time
    洛佩斯-克劳克斯augustolopez - claros表示,排行榜最有用之处在于,可以察看各国总分的明显变化,了解长期趋势。
  • China also needs to improve environmental qualities of various institutions both private and public , said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the wef ' s global competitiveness
  • China also needs to improve environmental qualities of various institutions both private and public , said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the wef ' s global competitiveness network
  • China also needs to improve environmental qualities of various institutions both private and public , said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the wef ' s global competitiveness network
  • The success of the nordics is based on their " very healthy macroeconomic environments and public institutions that are highly and efficient , " said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the geneva - based institute ' s global competitiveness program
    北欧国家在竞争力排行榜上的成功基于“非常健康的宏观经济环境,高度透明和高效的公共机构, ”日内瓦全球竞争力调查项目机构主任和首席经济学家奥古斯托洛佩斯克拉罗斯说。


  • a cigar made with light-colored tobacco


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