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  • The open platform limestones are arranged in the risum - ge ' gyai tarico stratigraphie subprovince , while the restricted platform limestones and terrigenous progradational clastic rocks are observed in the coqen - xainza stratigraphic subprovince in the south and muggar kangri stratigraphic subprovince in the north
  • The coqen basin in xizang lies between the bangong - nujiang suture zone and yarlung zangbo suture zone , and once extended northwards and southwards , respectively centred by the qiekan - goicang - asog rift zone as the center of deposition and subsidence during the middle jurassic to the early creatceous . ( 1 ) during the middle - late jurassic , the rift zone was occupied by deep - water turbidites , radiolarian siliceous rocks , shallow - water carbonate rocks , clastic rocks and basic - ultrabasic rocks , while both sides of it by littoral and shallow marine elastic rocks and carbonate rocks
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