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用"cornett"造句"cornett"怎么读"cornett" in a sentence


  • 科尼特


  • Cornett ' s attorney , jack johnston , said the tooth " looks like it would be from a herbivorous rodent of some type .
    科内特的律师杰克约翰斯顿说,这颗牙“看起来像是某种食草的啮齿类动物的牙。 ”
  • According to the lawsuit , cornett became physically and mentally ill , worried that he might have exposed himself to disease
  • The company did not immediately return a call from the associated press wednesday . the suit alleges that cornett bought the peanuts at an o ' fallon store last august and later was eating them at his home when he bit into a " non - human animal tooth .
    起诉书中称,去年8月份,科内特在美国奥法隆市的一家商店里购买了一包花生,他回到家吃花生时从中发现了一颗“非人类的动物牙齿” 。
  • Carl cornett , 52 , filed the lawsuit in st . clair county circuit court , seeking up to 55 , 000 in damages from the nation ' s largest food company . it was not immediately clear when the suit was filed . a spokeswoman for kraft , which packages planters peanuts in arkansas and virginia , declined comment tuesday to the st . louis post - dispatch
    据美联社5月17日报道,现年52岁的卡尔科内特近日已经向美国伊利诺伊州圣克莱尔县巡回法庭提出了诉讼,要求卡夫食品公司支付他5 . 5万美元的赔偿金。


The cornett, cornetto, or zink is an early wind instrument that dates from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods, popular from 1500-1650. It was used in what are now called alta capellas or wind ensembles.
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