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用"cras"造句"cras"怎么读"cras" in a sentence


  • 克拉


  • Cras coder and random access switch
  • C to consider whether legislation should be introduced to regulate cras
  • A the public to be educated on the possible risks involved in using the services of cras
  • Petroleum and natural gas industries - materials for use in h2s - containing environments in oil and gas production - part 3 : cracking - resistant cras corrosion - resistant alloys and other alloys
  • The department further advised that the law reform commission s consultation paper on conditional fees was still at the public consultation stage and that the outcome of the consultation might have a bearing on the policy regarding cras
  • In the paper , both the frequency and spectrum analyses and testing modal analyses have been investigated based on the research achievements of the internal and abroad . data interface software has been developed with the data picking box cras
  • Testing datas are gathered by using data picking box cras . a general dynamic model for analyzing characters of vibration system has also been developed according to the input and output applied on the testing system . identifications for structure modal parameters and frequency - spectrum characters have been carried out by calling the interface software developed unpon matlab software in both the time field and the frequency field . the structure modal parameters and frequency - spectrum characters have been accurately calculated
  • The input and output pressure of the controller were tested statically and dynamically under high , mid and low u conditions and real road conditions in computer routing , the controller satisfied two goals : delay and reduce the peak of braking pressure and produce s uperior braking distance


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