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用"dicarboxylate"造句"dicarboxylate"怎么读"dicarboxylate" in a sentence


  • [网络] 吡啶二甲酸二乙酯;吡啶二甲酸二甲酯;吡唑羧酸二乙酯


  • The hnadcs ( human na + / dicarboxylate cotransporter 3 ) mediates the transport of krebs cycle intermediates, such as succinate, citrate and a-ketoglutarate, across the plasma membrane of many epithelial cells
  • Phenyl group introducing to cholesteryl ester molecules can enhance the phase transition temperatures of the liquid crystals and their stability . an increase in the chain length for cholesteryl dicarboxylate samples reduced stability of liquid crystal phases . while coattail-like structures on the ester group of the molecules have an adverse effect to form cholesteryl liquid crystal phase
  • A super acylation catalyst, 4-dimethylamino pyridine ( dmap ), was prepared and used to synthesize cholesteryl ester compounds . four kinds of cholesteryl ester compounds such as cholesteryl p-alkoxyl benzoate, cholesteryl dicarboxylate, cholesteryl lumequeic ester and coattail-like cholesteryl ester were synthesized by acylation method and super acylation catalyst method . chemical structures and liquid crystal behaviors of the synthesized samples have been characterized by using element analysis, ftir, dsc and polarized microscopy with a hot stage
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