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用"euro-american"造句"euro-american"怎么读"euro-american" in a sentence


  • 欧美裔


  • A cognitive study of contemporary euro - american short stories
  • On the naturalism tendency in euro - american modernism linterature
  • On the turn of the foreign english gothic studies in euro - american countries
  • Alexander mackenzie reaches the pacific ocean becoming the first euro - american to complete a transcontinental crossing north of mexico
  • Market development : being quite popular in euro - american market and having stable exploration , its products applied to slab , tile and all kinds of tops
  • In order to protect their local markets and ease the political pressure , the euro - american countries blamed the developing countries ’ labor condition and labor environment aggregately
  • In this play the abiding gender and racial stereotypes formed in western mind about the chinese , satirizes the white fantasy of the protagonist and challenges euro - american cultural hegemony
  • Section 3 tells of the international experiences of dealing with financial institutions with problems , introduces experiences and lessons that how the euro - american countries deal with financial institutions with problems
  • As we know , the euro - american relations are not always on smooth road , especially , when the world gets into the post - cold war era , the conflicts between the european countries and u . s . a develop further on scale and in degree
  • Alliance to ghh - rand company of german whose hi - tech bring us to another new level , especially in our spiral air - compressor manufacturing , products are the first rate conform to international level , can compare favorably with those in the euro - american market
    德国ghh - rand公司先进技术的加盟,使公司在螺杆式空气压缩机的制造技术上又上了一个新的台阶,其产品已达到国际一流水平,与欧美市场同步。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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